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Experience the Splendor of Srirangam Chithirai Ther Festival


The festival in Srirangam, known as Srirangam Chithirai Ther or Viruppan Thirunaal, holds an enchanting charm. It is one of the temple’s most significant annual celebrations, taking place in the Tamil month of Chithirai and spanning eleven days. Originally initiated by the Vijayanagara dynasty, this event transforms the streets of Srirangam into a vibrant tapestry of colors, music, and fervent prayers. As the festival commences, the main chariot, lavishly adorned with flowers, silk, and gold, emerges from the temple gates amidst the exuberant cheers of devotees.

Spanning eleven days, these festivals stand out for their extensive duration. The presiding deity—Lord Ranganatha (Lord Vishnu)—is placed on a magnificently decorated vahanam (vehicle), which is then pulled by a multitude of devotees throughout Srirangam’s thoroughfares. The festivities begin with Dhwajarrohanam—the hoisting of the temple flag—on the first day.

Central to this festival is the deity’s procession through local streets. Each day features a different vahanam including Sesha Vahanamb& Hanumantha Vahanam are but a few examples that symbolize various aspects & attributes of divinity.

The culmination point of Srirangam Chithirai Ther Festival is reached after eleven days with Theerthavari—the ceremonial deities’ bath in the temple tank (Sriranga Pushkarini). This sacred act signifies purification & renewal& effectively marks the conclusion of festivities. Devotees congregate to partake in this hallowed act & seek divine benedictions.

Throughout these eleven days, an atmosphere filled with devotional melodies and scents of burning incense pervades. Devotees engage in earnest prayer contributing to an ambiance suited for spiritual renewal& community connection.